Home 5 News 5 Neo-Nazi book publisher financed by FBI

Neo-Nazi book publisher financed by FBI

by | Aug 30, 2021 | News

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has given $100, 000 to a book publisher, who is closely connected to white supremacist organisations.

Joshua Caleb Sutter, revealed court documents obtained by investigative journalist Ali Wilson, has worked as an informant with the FBI since 2003, to give information on other people involved in the neo-Nazi publishing house, Martinet Press.

Controversial works published by Martinet Press included “The Devil’s Quran,” a book that promises to provide “a path for those who are willing to enter Hell and claim the Devil as their lord,” according to the book’s online description.

Sutter was also expected to give information on fellow members at the neo-Nazi group Atomwaffen Division,

which was established in 2015 and reached well into Canada, the UK, Germany and other European countries.

The group is also classifieds as a hate group under the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and as a terrorist group by a variety of governments.

He was also arrested and charged in 2003 for his association with the neo-Nazi group, Aryan Nations, and possessing a firearm with an obliterated serial number and an unregistered silencer.

Yet, the High Council of Aryan Nations removed Sutter from the group’s online platforms in 2005 when its pastor accused him of being an informant.

After leaving prison, Sutter moved back to South Carolina and married Jillian Hoy, director of Martinet Press. Investigators have long suspected his partnership with the FBI, at least since 2005.

Sutter also works at a memorabilia store in South Carolina owned by his father, David Sutter, who is also a well-known member of the white supremacist group, The League of the South.

The store also sells Confederate army replica swords, pro-slavery revisionist historical books, among other racist ornaments.

Sources: New York Post & Jerusalem Post

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