Home 5 Articles and Reports 5 IPA Seminar Under Theme Publishing for Sustainable Development: The Role of Publishers in Africa

IPA Seminar Under Theme Publishing for Sustainable Development: The Role of Publishers in Africa

by | May 9, 2018 | Articles and Reports, News

The seminar is being organized with a view to discussing the challenges and opportunities that could pave the way of the publishing industry in Africa.


Nigeria Publishers Association (NPA) is all set to host International Publishing Association (IPA) seminar to be held on May 9 at Eko hotels, Victoria Island, Lagos. Several prominent dignitaries from the world of publishing will be attending the event.

The seminar is being organized with a view to discussing the challenges and opportunities that could pave the way of the publishing industry in Africa. Besides this, the seminar will also focus on the socio-economic contribution of publishing in Africa, freedom to publish, and the role of technology in overcoming illiteracy.

The seminar will be structured around the theme ‘Publishing for sustainable development: The role of publishers in Africa’ and will be consists of six-panel discussions”, said Mr. Gbadega Adedapo, President, NPA.

The panelists include prominent figures from the world of publishing from across and beyond the continent, representing IPA’s 76 members from 65 countries.

Dr. Michiel Kolman, President of IPA will open the seminar with a discussion on the following topics: the publishing industry’s socio-economic contribution to Africa; strengthening African educational publishing, bringing the voice of African writers and publishers to the world, the role of technology in overcoming illiteracy and promoting reading, addressing freedom to publish challenges in Africa, and enhancing enforcement of copyright and IP laws.

“This seminar reflects the importance of the African publishing industry and its potential in terms of both cultural and economic progress”, said Dr. Kolman.


Source: devdiscourse.com

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