‘And Other Stories’ Publisher Backs 2018
British publisher ‘And Other Stories’, a boutique publishing house in Sheffield, has joined an initiative launched by UK novelist Kamila Naheed Shamsie to designate 2018 as the year of books written exclusively by women. The publisher, which produces just 12 books a year, backed the author’s campaign to commemorate a century since British women were given the right to vote.
Shamsie said that women in the UK are still discriminated against in the publishing field, either as professionals or even with regards to characters in novels. ‘And Other Stories’ has begun its support by releasing the first two books by British female authors in January and February.
Shamsie claims that the majority of publishers she contacted considered the exclusion of male authors as a form of discrimination and insisted that the sole criterion is the quality of work. Some other publishers expressed their willingness to prioritise women writers this year.