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Al Ain Book Fair launches online bookstore platform for publishers

by | Sep 22, 2021 | News

Al Ain Book Fair has launched Al Ain Book Fair’s sales platform, in collaboration with UAE logistics company Tawzea.

The platform gives publishers the opportunity to promote and sell books exhibited in the fair’s pavilions while enabling readers to explore and buy these books.

The fair, organised by the Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Centre (ALC) under the Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi (DCT Abu Dhabi), is held at the Zayed Central Library until 30th September.

Through the platform, publishers can exhibit their books in the fair’s cyberspace, allowing the public to shop virtually, add purchases to shopping carts, and make e-payments. It also facilitates delivering books directly to buyers throughout the UAE through Tawzea, which will implement all the necessary precautionary measures such as packaging and sterilisation.

With more than 100 participating local publishing houses, the 12th edition of AABF presents a diverse programme to celebrate the nation’s literary legacy.

More than 50 renowned Emirati intellectuals, writers, and poets will present 24 dialogue sessions. There will also be at least nine performances of western and eastern music by musicians from the Bait Al Oud music centre.

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